Somali Politics in danger again?


Somalia has a federal government since 2001. It’s time our People set the record straight with a report card for every leader from the transitional governments to current Government and what was factually accomplished by each.

Which leaders grew the economy, implemented high educational standards, advanced infrastructure throughout the nation (not just in one city or one region and promoted corruption free administrations which practiced the rule of law regardless of external pressures. Which government exceeded its expectations and went above and beyond its normal duties to bring socioeconomic success to the majority of citizens?

Today’s leaders have shortcomings because they emerged in an era of no systems, no accountability They are all alike and when you look back all the members of today’s parliament they are all alike and share common characters which is to peruse their own interest. I personally met one member of the current parliament and he informed me that he has an extended family and he is the bread winner of that extended family so I want to remain an MP of the Upcoming government and I asked why? He replied with conscious that he doesn’t know anything except this and you know me, I don’t have an educational background so that’s why I want to remain an MP.

There are many members of parliament like the one I have met and their intention is to get bread for their family rather than serving the public interest. With regard in this scenario, there are many groups who want to dominate Somali politics and these groups do not want and intellectual persons who can resist any bad policy made by them. And the people who are in the current system should understand that wining bread for your family is not an option.

Surprisingly, the selection process of the members of parliament somehow resembles that of previous one, but the only difference is the route and no need for explaining that route further, with the view of that route the upcoming members of parliament will not differ the one that we have now and all leads to a systemic Corruption and incompetent leaders.

What do you expect if you become an MP with a massive cost?

In short, I have to pay back all the money borrowed during my selection process, then my own interest will follow. The People of Somalia (I mean clan leaders and the relevant stakeholders in large) need to understand the importance of Selecting for ‘right’ kind of people into political offices. Time to use common sense and intelligence to judge if the candidate running for member of parliament has good character, if he/she is capable of serving the people? If the candidate is in politics, for power, for money or to serve the people. The clan its self should select for ‘right’ candidate or continue to suffer.

Despite our history of no big politician been convicted of corruption, given our history, I’m not holding my breath waiting for a successful ‘right’ kind of people into political offices and this seems that we are Back to square one, given that Somali Politics is in danger again? Back to the square one, yes, certainly, but I would put it as back to the round one because Somalis care and give more priority to clan issues (those clans which is dominated by the bad people).

Look at the Somali institutions, if someone from certain clan is the minister of that institution it is likely that 65% of the staff are from his clan (which is the most corrupt and illiterate parts of his clan, if not all). Even agencies, if someone from certain clan is the boss of that organization it is likely that most of the incompetent staff are from his clan., It’s very sad and gloomy picture.

In Somalia it seems like a never ending cycle. These are the games politicians play with each other as they all know each other just too well as a mirror image of their own self. Hassan Sheikh the incumbent president of Somalia this time is having a last laugh tomorrow it will be someone else. What’s surprising is that the people are a mere spectator with little to say, but much to be seen. Only a mass movement can transform the country, but probably Somalis don’t understand that notion.

In Somalia constitution has often been distorted, violated and torn to pieces. But Blaming the politicians is easy, but it is the people who elected or appointed after inter-clan competition, it’s time to blame the people who put power Hungary politicians into positions of power? Somalia’s politicians have offered the backwardness of the people as an excuse to cover up their own intellectual poverty and lack of vision.

Besides, how will the masses develop the capacity to make rational choices until they are considered as legitimate stakeholders and their opinions begin to be respected? If our politicians do not follow people-inclusive strategies, they will make the masses more and more vulnerable to the anti-democratic rhetoric of one extremist hate amongst the federal states and its people.

Isak Abdi Abdulahi

Lecturer in Economics and management from the university of Somalia at the College of Business, IT and Public Administration.
