In Pictures: President Mohamud in Jowhar to prop Hiiraan/Middle Shabelle state formation talks


The Hiiraan and Middle Shabelle talks which have stalled for a year now are expected to ease up today as President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud attends the conference which resumed Sunday after several false starts.

President Mohamud arrived Thursday morning in Jowhar which hosts the conference and is expected to meet leaders and politicians with the view to bolstering the talks which have dragged for a long several months owing to differences between clan elders and the Federal Government.

But the conspicuous absence of the biggest clan (Hawadle) in Hiiraan and their leaders is likely to further hold back the talks even as the Federal electoral contemplates a second option for the Hiiraan/Middle Shabelle regions elections venue.

The distribution of delegates is still a major sticking point among elders, a development which has remained a major obstacle in the talks. President Mohamud went to Beletweyne in March 25 to engage the elders but the talks ran into resistance from the public on the first day resulting into demonstrations.

However the President managed to convince some of the elders who later converged in Jowhar but the talks never materialized.

Another key issue will be the distribution of seats in the 71 member Federal State Assembly.

Interior Permanent Secretary Yahye Ali Ibrahim told reporters in Jowhar the elections of the state president is slated for October 3, this year.