WFP worker arrested for expired food seized in Mogadishu


Somali police commander says Wednesday the security forces have arrested a WFP member of staff in connection with tones of expired food aid that was seized in Mogadishu on Tuesday.

Speaking to reporters in Mogadishu, Gen Abdullah Hassan Barise who is a senior Somali police officer said they are probing into the seized expired food bound to people in Gedo region.

“An investigation into the expired food imported by WFP is underway. Police have arrested several people, including WFP staffer and they are now in custody for interrogation,” said Barise.

On the other hand, the mayor of Garbaharey Nur Burale has denied that the seized expired food was meant to deliver to his city or somewhere else in Gedo region by WFP

“WFP usually informs us the kind, tone and deadline of the food aid it wants to delivery to Gedo before it  imports or distributes,” said Garbaharey district commissioner Nur Burale.

However, WFP denies all accusations.