South West State to complete Lower House elections today


Somalia’s regional State in South western is expected to conclude the final phase of Lower House elections later today.On Monday Idale News Online Reports.

The only remaining two seats of 69 parliamentary seats allocated to Southwest state in lower chamber of the federal parliament will be filled on Monday.

FIEIT is working hard to ensure that seats of the Lower House are filled by before the deadline which would constitute the parliamentary seats required for the house to sit and deliberate on issues and to fix a date for Presidential elections, in case of any delays.

Late last week, the State Indirect Electoral Implementation Team (SIEIT) Deputy Chairman, Sid Ali Omar Hussein said that the last round of elections in the state capital, Baidoa will be concluded within day.

“now we will deliver the remaining seats in the next few days. We have been strongly supported by our partners including UNSOM [United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia] and the security agencies. This has enabled us to hold the elections within a very short time frame and with limited resources”, said Mr. Hussein.

Elections in South West State have so far been orderly and peaceful, with winners being gracious and humble in their victory speech and defeated candidates accepting the outcome.

Jubbaland state which was the first regional state to finish its election concluded the final phase of Lower House elections late last month.