Somalia PM in Baidoa for electoral talks


Somalia premier Omar Abdirashid has met with South-west president Shariif Hassan Sheikh Aadan in Baidoa after a short trip from Galkayo.

A UN plated jet on late Saturday arrived in Baidoa main airport, carrying high level governmental officials including PM.

The state officials warmly received the delegation at a heavily guarded palace in the Baidoa with main issues concerning Somalia’s elections highlighted.

Both officials are reportedly vying for the country’s presidency and have been campaigning against outgoing President Hassan Shikeh who will seek second term in the forthcoming elections

A Gov’t official who is allowed to speak with press has said that Somalia PM and state president have made planned visits to Dubai and Addis Ababa to acquire attention from the government’s partners.  In a planed political dispense, upcoming lawer house speaker will be given to Hawiye clan according to predications made by the regional analysts..