National Forum on Electoral Process to open in Baidoa – INO


A high level forum on Somalia’s electoral process is set to open in Baidoa Tomorrow  with regional leaders and Gov’t officials scheduled to attend at the conference, On Tuesday Morning Idale News Online Reports.

Prior talks on the agenda on Monday launched in the town as Somalia’s parliament speaker Prof Jawari is paving the way in holding the meeting which would focus on unaddressed points on the electoral process.

South west of Somali  especially Forces along AMISOM troops tightened security ahead of the forum with foreign donors expected to attend in the forum which also would highlight progress made by the joint operations in the region.

A lengthy discussion on the election has been held in Kismaayo and Mogadishu, ratifying controversial process which is clan based allocation as Puntland boycotted.

The planned forum has been set to root out sticking points on the election.

Xafiiska Warqabadka Idale News Online, Baydhabo
Email: Baydhaba Janaay