Hundreds in Puntland protest against Indian court ruling


Hundreds of people gathered in the streets of Galkayo city, regional capital of Mudug region in Puntland, on Sunday, in protest against court ruling of 119 alleged Somali pirates in India, Idale News Online reports.

Earlier the 119 Somali pirates, who were captured in several operations carried out by Indian coast guards and Navy off Lakshadweep between 2011 and 2012, have pleaded guilty to offenses filed against them. About 50 pirates could face death sentence while the rest could face life imprisonment.

Angry people took to the streets in protest against the death sentences, and denounced the court procedures, saying its “injustice”.

“The procedures in which they apprehended and trialed them were unlawful and unfair,” said angry protesters.

They are fishermen and captured illegally under false pretenses, we demand India to extradite them (prisoners) to Somalia so they can get fair trials in their home country, added angry protesters.

The protest comes amid court verdict against 50 Somali suspects to face death sentence in connection to piracy activities in the Indian Ocean.

However, Somalia government officials didn’t comment on the matter.

The rise of Somali piracy in the last decade has been major threat to the international shipping industry as pirates seized hundreds of vessels in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia.