UN to step up efforts in war on Al shabaab militants


The United Nations said it will scale up efforts to help fight radicalisation.
UN Resident Coordinator in Kenya Siddharth Chatterjee said the measures would help prevent youth from engaging in extremist activities.

He said terrorism was one of the most serious threats to international peace and security, adding that the UN believes that the greater East African region must intensify regional efforts to prevent and counter terrorism and violent extremism.

“The attack in Mandera is heartbreaking, and we must work to defeat terror through development, resolving inequity, ensuring basic services and human rights for all,” he said.

Mr Chatterjee condemned the terror attack that took place in Bulla, Mandera, on Thursday, saying the lives of innocent people were lost during the incident.

“The attack brought to a brutal end the aspirations of men and women who were part of our collective human family. We are hurt by the heartless action of the attackers,” he said.

Six people were killed during the attack that occurred at 2.45am when suspected Al-Shabaab terrorists stormed a housing plot occupied by 33 non-locals, and shot them.

Police officers at Survey rescued 27 people.

While consoling families of the dead, Mr Chatterjee said the attack happened at a time when Kenya and the region have been experiencing relative calm.

“We commend the government and security agents for the progress made so far in preventing such attacks,” he said, adding that it was due to the swift response that the security forces saved the lives of many other Kenyans on Thursday.

He assured Kenyans of his office’s support in the resolve to fight violent extremists.