Somali Civil Society Warn Political instability amid Elections’ delay


Somali non State actors in South and the central Regions (SOCENSHA) has expressed concern over the pronounced delay of this year’s general elections.

Somali Indirect Federal Electoral Commission has on Monday released press statement saying elections time tables has been shift to one month back.

The umbrella warned a possible social unrest and political instability because of the elections dely.

“We have concern that this delay could have an effect on the security. Distrust, political tensions will heighten.  Succeeding delays have been the case for this elections and that attitude does not stand for the interest of the country” said, Abdullah Mohammed Shirwa, the chair of the umbrella.

Meanwhile Puntland State level Elections Commission attributed the delay of elections to clan elders.

The chair of the commission Khalif Aw Ali said that the state elders failed to meet the deadlines. However, he said, the  commission issued a final deadline, which transilates that in two weeks time elders should  submit the names of the delegates to the commission “Still we are yet to receive the list of delegates from state elders. Now, we issued the final dead line to elders” said the Khalif Aw Abdi

Federal indirect Electoral Commission announcement of Elections delay yesterday counts the third in this year.