The interim Jubbaland administration in southern Somalia paraded a top Al-shabab leader it said captured in a battle near Kismayo city, 500Km south of Mogadishu.
A Jubbaland official who insisted to remain anonymous, told media that the detained Al Shabaab figure is a foreign fighter believed to be Ethiopian national.
He added the Al Shabaab commander was arrested during a military operation at Abdalla Birole vicinity, outside the southern port city of Kismayo, the regional capital of Lower Juba.
Jubbaland state said it is questioning the alleged Al Shabaab commander apprehended by it security forces in the operation at Abdalla Birolo village.
There was no any independent verification on the report about the capture of the Al Shabaab foreign militant said to be Ethiopian origin.
Jubbaland state forces, along AMISOM troops launched this week an anti-al shabaab offensive dubbed “Juba River”, that is aimed to push the militants out of the remaining areas in lower Jubba region.